Sunday, November 19, 2006

Bio Bio

There's a market in Santiago called Bio Bio. We went this morning. It's a huge sprawling affair, covering block after block. In some sheds there's typical market fodder, cheap clothes, plastic toys and so on, in others there's cheap furniture, and in others DVD's, PC stuff, books, bric - a - brac and a flea market.

On my shopping list today were the following - one set of traffic lights, enough Bingo boards to rival Granada and, of course, a wooden horse for a carousel. I was lucky enough to find them all.........................

Sunday, November 12, 2006


This was the view from my balcony the other day. It's got a lot hotter in the last week or so, there's less snow now. The first time I came to Santiago it was three weeks before I saw the mountains because of the haze.

The best views tend to be in spring, when there's enough sun to burn off the haze, but still snow on the mountains.