Sunday, October 07, 2007

Huilquilemu - Villa Cultural (complete with Last Supper)

A few miles east of Talca, there's a large, old colonial pile, that is now stuffed full of religious gumpf. The place looks a bit like the original curator was ousted half way through his plan to have a fairly standard museum. A few days after completeing the period drawing room, complete with grand piano and period furniture, said curator was sacked, only to be replaced by a Catholic nut. Said nut demanded, and promptly got, a lifesize model of the last supper, complete with spooky lighing (operated by dimmer switch), in the back bedroom. He, or she, then set about rounding up whatever freako Catholo paintings and crosses he/she could find, threw in a cafe (closed on Saturdays forgodsake), and called it Villa Cultural Huilquilemu. As a back yard they've got a selection of trees from around the world, all lumped together in a garden. Best place for trees.