Monday, November 15, 2010

Amber in May and the return of the Empanada

Amber, May 2010
Due to a deafening clamour (Steve, one request) for pictures and videos from this side of the world I have decided to re-heat the now mouldy Empanada. Or perhaps dig it out from the back of the freezer, or perhaps tweak the recipe, or perhaps ...... (no really, enough).

With a worldwide readership of about 6 (I include myself, although sadly not my diminutive wife) it hardly mattered when the blog entries dwindled to nothing, left behind by a rather more complicated life of childcare, earthquakes, insuurance claims, new jobs and so on. A blog that no-one reads is a luxury you can afford before the onset of parenthood. After that a floor free of biscuits/cereal/playing cards/pencils is the luxury. Oh, and six hours uninterupted sleep.

Of course, BC (before children) included a life of disposable income. We were free to eat out, have weekends away, take pictures and then put them on a blog. Life is different now. I only take pictures of Amber and my scooter. I fear this will become a site dedicated to only those two, but perhaps it wouldn't be so bad for it.

The picture above is Amber in May of this year. The church behind is a huge picture of the main plaza in Santiago, which is strategically hung in our living room to hide the earthquake cracks.