Monday, October 02, 2006

The New Empanada!

Welcome to the new Cheese Empanada!

In order to save on group e mails I've decided to take my what have you been up to - not much to a whole new level. In one swift posting I will now be able to enlighten you all on what's going on here in Santiago de Chile, although "what time is it there?" questions will have to wait.........

So, why The Cheese Empanada? In a country that must rival only Argentina for the consumption of meat (there must be a million less cows after the fondas of last month - enough bbq ing to blot out the sun), the cheese empanada and me are on very familiar terms. It's a kind of cheese pasty, although the quantity and quality of cheese can vary. Oh the wonders of modern technology, here I am discussing a cheese pasty.

So, in an attempt to keep everyone up to date on news here, and in an attempt to shake off an ill founded reputation for techno fear with Maria (just for the record - Maria / Meme / the diminutive Chilean = all the same person), here's a blog - The Cheese Empanada - the quantity and quality may vary.